Hive Learning Network NYC
About Hive Learning Network NYC
Hive NYC is a New York-based Mozilla learning lab that engages youth around innovation, digital media and web-making. As part of a larger network of 38 organizations offering out-of-school programs for youth, Hive NYC provides a testbed for Mozilla projects, gives network members access to innovative digital literacy and web-maker programming, and allows youth to act as co-designers and builders in new Mozilla learning initiatives like Hackasaurus, Open Badges, Mozilla Popcorn and the School of Webcraft.
Hive Learning Network and Mozilla share a passion for empowering youth to take charge of their own learning, and are both committed to:
- designing and working in open and participatory ways
- applying "open source thinking" to social and educational innovation
- “Connected Learning” as a set of principles and a broad theory of change
- iterative design, agility and continuous testing
- empowering learners as co-designers and makers and
- creating shareable educational products.